GALEN - 2017
Overall Objectives
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Grammar Parser for Shapes

Functional Description: It is a software for parsing facade images using shape grammars. Grapes implement a parsing methods based on Reinforcement Learning principles. It optimizes simultaneously the topology of the parse tree as well as the associated parameters. GraPeS comes along with predefined shape grammars as XML files and defines three kinds of rewards. However, it also offers the possibility to create new grammars and to provide custom rewards in text files, widening the scope of potential applications. The name of the software comes from the aspect of the parse tree of the binary split grammars involved in the process.

Release Functional Description: Supports jpg and gif file formats.

  • Participant: Iasonas Kokkinos

  • Contact: Iasonas Kokkinos